The 10 Most Ridiculous Things Old White Men Have Proposed About Women And Vaginas
2) Perhaps the most ridiculous thing a person can say about vaginas is not being able to say the word “vagina” at all. Last month, Virginia State Delegate David Albo acted out this late-night bedroom scene with his wife for fellow lawmakers: After watching a TV segment that criticized Albo’s support of a bill that would mandate transvaginal probing for women seeking abortions, Albo’s wife refused him sex. As counter-intuitive as this episode might sound, Albo then couldn’t even bring himself to use the word “vaginal” in the charade, instead referring to the procedure as “trans-v blah blah blah.” For the love of love tunnels, if you can’t even say “vagina,” there might be more than one reason your wife doesn’t want to sleep with you.