The Best Dive Bars in Brooklyn
Rhythm n’ Booze
1674 Tenth Avenue, Windsor Terrace
If the qualifications for a dive bar are cheap (both in cost and quality) beer and liquor; a cast of regulars that’s clearly been around for years; and maybe—if you’re lucky—some halfway decent food coming from somewhere in the back (you don’t want to think too hard about where, exactly), then Rhythm & Booze is a dive bar and then some. The food is better than halfway decent (you’ve just gotta try the burger), the regulars sometimes seem out of central casting (there’s frequently an elderly man who will stay perched on his stool for hours at a time, drinking whiskey and reading the Bible), and the suds and spirits flow liberally. But just when you think R&B might be too nice to be called a dive bar, some guy with a thick neck in a Jets jersey gets into a screaming match with a guy with an even thicker neck (also in a Jets jersey), and you realize that the surrounding area of Windsor Terrace might have grown steadily fancier in the last decade, but R&B has pretty much stayed the same—just the way you like it.