The Best Old Movies on a Big Screen This Week: NYC Repertory Cinema Picks, August 17-23
Matinee (1993)
Directed by Joe Dante
Even the most vicious of Dante’s satires have a light touch, but none so light as the one he brings to his shamelessly nostalgic tribute to B-movie gimmick master William Castle. So dedicated to reproducing the charms of the golden age of shlock, the director goes so far as to create an entire creature feature within the movie that perfectly nails the chewy pulp and abysmal effects of 50s no-budget sci-fi. Yet buried within its whimsical parody/love letter to garbage are salient points about the anxieties of growing up in the Cold War and of finding safe release in the controlled terror of the movies. Jake Cole (August 21, 4:30pm at BAM’s Dante retrospective, as part of a double feature with The Smallest Show on Earth [1957])