The 50 Funniest People In Brooklyn
Ezra Koenig @arzE:
Ezra Koenig is in a band that formed at an Ivy League school Uptown, but his sense of humor is suited to a generation who appreciates naming a song “Diane Young” instead of “Dying Young” more than it is the Classics. As one-half of L’Homme Run, he rapped in French about pizza parties. As one-fourth of Vampire Weekend, he’s been involved in only good-humored music videos. (The band has never really taken a straight-faced approach to the form.) Those Steve Buscemi promo clips were pretty great too. Then there’s his tongue-in-cheek Internet persona: the text-speak in his Twitter feed, his obsession with selfies, that Drake review. He’s the millennial poster boy for wit and hyper self-awareness; for the Wes Andersizing of music. Or, whatever, he’s just really funny.