A Man Among Girls: Adam Driver
“Did you know that he used to be a Marine?” I whispered to Mike, the editor of this magazine, near the snack table at Adam Driver’s photo shoot. “Yes,” he whispered back.
“Do you know that he used to be…” I would start saying to every person I ran into while working on this story. “Yes,” they usually said. I hadn’t until I started researching, though it made sense considering what I did know of him: that he’s the most interesting character on a show, Girls, that has gone in some questionable directions, and that he’s evolved more believably than almost anyone else on it. He’s also having something of a moment, with a recent New York Times Styles story (“Adam Driver, an Unlikely Face on TV or in Fashion,” in which he was called “ugly-handsome”); a featured slot in Gap’s “Back to Blue” campaign; parts in the critically acclaimed movies Lincoln, Inside Llewyn Davis and Frances Ha; and roles in the upcoming While We’re Young (Noah Baumbach), Midnight Special (Jeff Nichols), and Silence (Martin Scorsese). I have a theory that would explain his success, beyond his being handsome and a good actor, but I’ll get to that later. (I think he looks like a manlier Josh Hartnett or like a cousin of Eric Balfour from Six Feet Under and 24.)
Photographs by Lauren Dukoff