5 Abandoned New York Structures You’re Actually Still Allowed To Visit
- Photo via Flickr/gsz
There’s been a lot of talk lately about Bloomberg’s legacy, and whether you think of him as a savior or a cold, unfeeling plutocrat who’s made this city a playground for the ultra-wealthy, there’s little question that he’s leaving New York far cleaner and much more developed than he found it. But not all of it.
Even in a re-envisioned New York where a single square foot of space is worth more money than the average person’s paycheck, there are still a surprising number of structures that’ve been left to crumble for years, either in the city itself or a short train (or boat) ride away. And, sure, a lot of them are technically closed to the public for safety reasons, or, as in the case of the Gowanus Batcave, have been snapped up to be turned into presumably fancy new development projects. So, in the interest of not specifically putting our readers in physical or legal danger, we’ve picked a few of the ones you can officially visit (as opposed to say, the Red Hook Grain Terminal, which is legendary and cool-looking, but probably unsafe and definitely closed off to the public). Go poke around, while you still can.